
See my CV! (12/2019 revision)

2019 Updates:

A picture of me, from two apartments ago...

2018 Updates:

  • 11-2018: I was an invited participant at Dagstuhl #18462: Provenance and Logging for Sense Making.
  • 11-2018: I presented my “Data Visualization in Astronomy” talk at Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • 10-2018: The schedule for our IEEE VIS Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics workshop is posted.
  • 08-2018: This semester, I’m teaching CS1064 Introduction to Programming in Python to 540 students.
  • 08-2018: My co-author paper “A Bidirectional Pipeline for Semantic Interaction” was accepted to the above workshop at IEEE VIS.
  • 07-2018: My paper “The Effect of Semantic Interaction on Foraging in Text Analysis” was accepted at IEEE VIS (VAST conference track).
  • 07-2018: My co-author paper “SIRIUS: Dual, Symmetric, Interactive Dimension Reductions” was also accepted at IEEE VIS (VAST TVCG track).
  • 07-2018: I was re-elected Vice-President of the Roanoke Valley Astronomical Society for a second term.
  • 06-2018: My co-author paper “Observation-Level and Parametric Interaction for High-Dimensional Data Analysis” was published by ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS).
  • 06-2018: Displayed M-Ark and gave an artist panel talk at ISEA 2018, Durban, South Africa.
  • 05-2018: Accepted to the Doctoral Colloquium at IEEE VIS 2018.
  • 04-2018: I was awarded the Computer Science Graduate Student Service Award for my work in restarting the CS Grad Council and serving as interim President.
  • 04-2018: Presented a research talk (“Software Engineers as Partners in Astronomy Software Development”), an artist talk(“Embodied Astronomical Phenomenon: Using Art to Access Astronomy”), and a poster (“Visual Analytics and Semantic Interaction to Explore Astronomical Data”) at EWASS 2018, Liverpool, UK.
  • 04-2018: Accepted an internship at FXPAL for the summer, working in the Enterprise AI research group.
  • 03-2018: My paper “The Cognitive and Computational Benefits and Limitations of Clustering for Sensemaking” was accepted to the “Sensemaking in a Senseless World” workshop at CHI 2018.
  • 01-2018: My co-author paper “Be the Data: Embodied Visual Analytics” was published by IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.

Brief Bullet Bio: